What do the people gain from the energy transition?
Shaping the energy transition according to the citizens‘ needs is essential for our work at the 100 prozent erneuerbar stiftung.
What we know: The citizens in Germany want the energy transition. What we don’t know: What role can, want and should they play?
Will they shape the energy transition?
Will they remain supply cases without major changes because „The power comes from the socket.“?
Do they have to accept everything that the legislator and companies are planning?
We must assume that all of these three options describe very much possible and probable roles. Though it’s anything but arbitrary who – especially how many people – play which role. It’s crucial for the success of the energy transition that the people act a part they feel comfortable in.
Anyone who doesn’t want to shape the transition can remain in the classic role of a consumer. But what about those that are affected but are forced into this role? And what about the people that don’t want to be a supply case but a designer for the energy transition but can’t just do that?
In short: Our central question is „What do the people gain from the energy transition?“
The 100 prozent erneuerbar stiftung works out answers in their projects and cooperations.